Human Resources Courses

Human Resources Courses

Developing Performance Goals and Standards

Developing Performance Goals and Standards is one of the courses included in Vital Learning’s Leadership Essentials Series. It focuses on interpersonal skills, emphasizing communication and improvement of management skills by using behavior modeling.


Providing Performance Feedback

Providing Performance Feedback is one of the courses included in Vital Learning’s Leadership Essentials Series. It focuses on interpersonal skills, emphasizing communication and improvement of management skills by using behavior modeling.


Hiring Winning Talent

Successful hiring doesn't start with a job posting and end when a candidate has been selected.


Diversity Awareness

This interactive online skill builder will assist in understanding, recognizing and appreciating that cultural diversity means being different from others and learning how to celebrate those differences once they are identified.


Effective Discipline

Provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with the tools necessary to dramatically reduce employees’ problem behaviors. By involving team members in performance discussions managers can turn a potentially negative interaction into a positive developmental step. (4 hours)
