Leadership Courses

With over 700 course available, Lillestrand Leadership is well equipped to serve a variety of needs.

Three Types Of Courses


Our experts will implement the course material to ensure maximum value is delivered.


Buy and implement the course material yourself. Most courses cost just $49.00.

Online Class

Hundreds on online videos covering a wide range of topics, each priced at just $5.50.*

Full-service Offerings

Below is a list of popular courses we deliver in a full-service fashion.

Essential Skills of Leadership

Essential Skills of Leadership teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers contemporary techniques for effective leadership, thereby improving their performance and increasing the productivity of both the team and the organization. (4 hours)


Essential Skills of Communicating

Helps team leaders, supervisors and managers ensure that communication with employees is a two-way process through designing clear, concise messages, listening to improve communication and managing nonverbal behaviors to reinforce the intent of the message. (4 hours)


Coaching Job Skills

Coaching Job Skills™ teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers a process of observation, analysis and communication to help them successfully coach team members in their jobs, as well as widen the breadth of team members’ skill sets. (4 hours)


Communicating Up

Communicating Up teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to hold more successful meetings with their managers and other members of senior management, transforming these meetings into positive, productive experiences. (4 hours)



Delegating teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to develop team members in order to strengthen their commitment to the organization’s success, so employees feel more a part of the team and of the entire organization. (4 hours)


Effective Discipline

Provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with the tools necessary to dramatically reduce employees’ problem behaviors. By involving team members in performance discussions managers can turn a potentially negative interaction into a positive developmental step. (4 hours)


Improving Work Habits

Improving Work Habits provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with the tools necessary to recognize and address poor work habits, even those of successful, productive team members. (4 hours)


Managing Complaints

Managing Complaints provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with a proven process and individual skills to effectively deal with employee complaints in a way that supports employee and team goals. (4 hours)


Resolving Conflicts

Resolving Conflicts teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers to understand the signs of conflict and find the root causes, so managers can eliminate the issues and minimize the negative effects. (4 hours)


Supporting Change

Supporting Change teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to support change while addressing the team’s comfort level with it, enabling leaders to more effectively facilitate the team’s acceptance of new ways of doing things. (4 hours)


Developing Performance Goals and Standards

Developing Performance Goals and Standards is one of the courses included in Vital Learning’s Leadership Essentials Series. It focuses on interpersonal skills, emphasizing communication and improvement of management skills by using behavior modeling.


Providing Performance Feedback

Providing Performance Feedback is one of the courses included in Vital Learning’s Leadership Essentials Series. It focuses on interpersonal skills, emphasizing communication and improvement of management skills by using behavior modeling.


Developing and Coaching Others

Developing and Coaching Others educates managers to effectively and successfully develop and coach their team leaders to become better and more consistent performers.


Motivating Team Members

Can one directly motivate another individual, or do we motivate ourselves? Can a leader influence the surroundings to create a motivating atmosphere? Is what motivates one person the same as what motivates another?


Hiring Winning Talent

Successful hiring doesn't start with a job posting and end when a candidate has been selected.


Dealing With Difficult Customer Situations

Customer service representatives are provided techniques for dealing with difficult customer situations.


Delivering Customer Focused Service

Learners analyze the skills and strategies they use every day in their jobs to identify the techniques that they do very well and to develop ways for them to do their job better.


STAR Service

STAR Service is a powerful program designed to address the opportunity to improve customer experiences in face-to-face interactions.


Making Customer Recommendations

The recommendation begins where the discovery leaves off—with a clear consensus about the customer objectives.


The Incoming Sales Call

The relationship representatives establish in the first few seconds of the customer's call will dictate their chances of success.


Achieving Communication Effectiveness

Administrative and support personnel will learn effective communication techniques thereby opening the door to dialogue, negotiation, and compromise.


Diversity Awareness

This interactive online skill builder will assist in understanding, recognizing and appreciating that cultural diversity means being different from others and learning how to celebrate those differences once they are identified.


Professionalism In The Office

Professionalism in the Office is designed to teach support staff members the skills needed to be more professional on the job.


Solving Workplace Problems Online Class

This course presents a step-by-step process that combines a variety of methods to provide an effective approach for improving the current process being done and to solve complex organizational problems.


Customer-Oriented Selling

Course Description: The Vital Learning Customer-Oriented Selling (COS) course teaches a consultative process for developing understanding and agreement between the customer and sales people throughout the sales process.


* 7 course minimum applies

Our Full Catalog

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