Communicating Up


Communicating Up teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to hold more successful meetings with their managers and other members of senior management, transforming these meetings into positive, productive experiences. (4 hours)

What Participants Learn

  • Participants learn the importance of framing all communication with senior management in terms of their self-interest.
  • Participants learn to enter meetings armed with a well-planned and clearly stated objective.
  • Participants learn to clearly link their objectives with facts that support their plans and goals.
  • Participants learn to work with their managers to uncover questions or reservations the manager may have about the message.
  • Participants learn to move conversations toward agreement with questions that focus on benefits to be gained when the objective is reached.
  • Participants learn to clearly and concisely restate the decisions that result from meeting with their managers and ensure that those decisions are mutually understood.


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