Supervision Courses
Supervision Courses
Essential Skills of Leadership
Essential Skills of Leadership teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers contemporary techniques for effective leadership, thereby improving their performance and increasing the productivity of both the team and the organization. (4 hours)
Delegating teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to develop team members in order to strengthen their commitment to the organization’s success, so employees feel more a part of the team and of the entire organization. (4 hours)
Improving Work Habits
Improving Work Habits provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with the tools necessary to recognize and address poor work habits, even those of successful, productive team members. (4 hours)
Supporting Change
Supporting Change teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to support change while addressing the team’s comfort level with it, enabling leaders to more effectively facilitate the team’s acceptance of new ways of doing things. (4 hours)
Motivating Team Members
Can one directly motivate another individual, or do we motivate ourselves? Can a leader influence the surroundings to create a motivating atmosphere? Is what motivates one person the same as what motivates another?
Solving Workplace Problems Online Class
This course presents a step-by-step process that combines a variety of methods to provide an effective approach for improving the current process being done and to solve complex organizational problems.
Professionalism In The Office
Professionalism in the Office is designed to teach support staff members the skills needed to be more professional on the job.
Developing and Coaching Others
Developing and Coaching Others educates managers to effectively and successfully develop and coach their team leaders to become better and more consistent performers.
Coaching Job Skills
Coaching Job Skills™ teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers a process of observation, analysis and communication to help them successfully coach team members in their jobs, as well as widen the breadth of team members’ skill sets. (4 hours)