Leadership Essentials™

A world-class curriculum created by industry powerhouse McGraw-Hill. From personality awareness to customer service to effective coaching an array of menu options awaits to meet your unique needs.

Essential Skills of Leadership™

Essential Skills of Leadership™ teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers contemporary techniques for effective leadership, thereby improving their performance and increasing the productivity of both the team and the organization.

Essential Skills of Communicating™

Essential Skills of Communicating helps team leaders, supervisors and managers ensure that communication with employees is a two-way process through designing clear, concise messages, listening to improve communication and managing nonverbal behaviors to reinforce the intent of the message. Furthermore, they learn to create a climate of open communication that increases team members' motivation and commitment.

Coaching Job Skills™

Coaching Job Skills teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers a process of observation, analysis and communication to help them successfully coach team members in their jobs, as well as widen the breadth of team members' skill sets.

Communicating Up™

Communicating Up teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to hold more successful meetings with their managers and other members of senior management, transforming these meetings into positive, productive experiences.


Delegating teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to develop team members in order to strengthen their commitment to the organization's success, so employees feel more a part of the team and of the entire organization.

Developing Performance Goals and Standards™

Developing Performance Goals and Standards teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers the SMART—specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented and time-framed-approach with team members, so team leaders, supervisors and managers demonstrate their commitment to an open and consistent performance improvement process.

Effective Discipline™

Effective Discipline provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with the tools necessary to dramatically reduce employees’ problem behaviors. By involving team members in performance discussions and winning their commitment to behavioral change, team leaders, supervisors and managers can turn a potentially negative interaction into a positive developmental step.

Improving Work Habits™

Improving Work Habits provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with the tools necessary to recognize and address poor work habits, even those of successful, productive team members.

Managing Complaints™

Managing Complaints provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with a proven process and individual skills to effectively deal with employee complaints in a way that supports employee and team goals.

Providing Performance Feedback™

Providing Performance Feedback teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers the skills necessary to implement a systematic, fact-based approach to performance improvement through quality feedback.

Resolving Conflicts™

Resolving Conflicts teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers to understand the signs of conflict and find the root causes, so managers can eliminate the issues and minimize the negative effects.

Developing and Coaching Others™

Developing and Coaching Others helps team leaders, supervisors and managers learn the specifics of how they can effectively influence the learning process and hold “coaching moments” with team members to change undesired behavior and improve productivity and performance.

Supporting Change™

Supporting Change teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers how to support change while addressing the team’s comfort level with it, enabling leaders to more effectively facilitate the team’s acceptance of new ways of doing things.

Solving Workplace Problems™

Solving Workplace Problems provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with an effective approach and the tools necessary to improve current processes that organizations use to solve problems.

Motivating Team Members™

Motivating Team Members teaches team leaders, supervisors and managers what motivation is and how it inspires employees to do their best. Team leaders, supervisors and managers learn a four-stage plan to influence team members while creating a work environment conducive to high performance.

Leading Successful Projects®

Leading Successful Projects examines each phase of a project and the questions that must be answered to ensure control of the project and its progress.

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